একাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র
প্রকাশ | ২৬ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ০০:০০
20. Summarize the following text.
When you are in the driving seat of a car, you have the steering and the horn in your hands, the brake and accelerator under your feet, eyes open looking ahead, left and right. The same can be said about a motorcycle rider, with some modifications. These are all very visible. But, behind all, there is something that keeps working unseen. And that is the Central Processing Unit (CPU), your brain. CPUs are artificially intelligent machines that are programmed to do specific jobs under fixed conditions and judgments. But the human brain is intelligent by nature. It is the most sophisticated machine that is able to operate on ever-changing conditions and standards of judgment. As conditions in the traffic keep invariably changing, this virtue of sophistication of your brain must be at work when you are driving. The difference between traffic in the roads and highways and racing circuit must not be blurring inside you. Never imagine yourself to be a Michael Schumacher driving an F-1 at 300 mph. Leave no room for fantasy. You must always be readz to encounter unexpected behavior from any vehicle or pedestrian. ‘Keep your cool’ is easy to advice but difficult to maintain. Still you must always restrain yourself because, at the end of the day, you don’t want to be regarded as a killer. Now you see, the last thing that differentiates you from a computer is your conscience.
Answer : This passage is about how the brain negotiates traffic. When someone drives a car or a motorcycle, he does some visible activities like holding the steering with his hands, keeping the brake and accelerator under his feet and looking ahead, left and right. But there is also something that works unseen. It is brain. It is the most sophisticated machine that is able to operate on ever- changing conditions and standards of judgment. It works invisibly behind the scene. It encounters unexpected behavior from any vehicle or pedestrian. It keeps the driver cool and restrains him from reckless driving.
Theme of the poems
1. Write down the theme of the following poem. (Not more than 50 words)
Amidst killer speeds I stand
Facing the traffic, stretching my hand.
I am seen on kid’s books and as cartoons everywhere
Educating people and asking them to beware
Of the erratic traffic and the signboards
Seen on almost all the roads.
So that you’re safe I see each one of you
But my sweat, my plight on the road sees who?
Be it sunny or rainy,
For your safety I must be
Vigil and agile, on the middle
Standing erect, as fit as a fiddle.
Answer : The theme of the poem is about the hard work of a traffic policeman. The work of a traffic policeman is praiseworthy. He works for the safety of the common people. Whether it is rainy or sunny, he must be always on duty. But he regrets that no bodz sees his sorrows and sufferings.
2. Write down the theme of the following poem. (Not more than 50 words)
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
Height -ho! Sing height-ho! Unto the green holly :
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly :
Then height-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Answer : The theme of the poem is about friendship and love. To the poet, most friendship is not real and most love is fake. Friends and lovers are always ungrateful. So the poet glorifies the winter wind and the bitter sky. The poet thinks that the winter wind and bitter sky are not as unkind as mans ingratitude.
3. Write down the theme of the following poem. (Not more than 50 words)
I love to rise in a summer morn,
When the birds sing on every tree;
The distant huntsman winds his horn,
And the skylark sings with me :
O what sweet company!
But to go to school in a summer morn,
- O it drives all joy away!
Under a cruel eye outworn,
The little ones spend the day
In sighing and dismay.
Answer : Theme of the poem is about the innocence (mijZv) and tenderness (†KvgjZv) of childhood. A child naturally loves a summer morning, birds chirping, hunts men’s horns and sky larks songs. Going to school in the morning is unpleasant (AwcÖq) to a child because it drives all joy away. So, school should be a place of joy and sweet company.
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