শুক্রবার, ১১ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ২৭ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া
  ২৫ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০

Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.

Unit-24 (lesson : 4-5)

Column A Column B

Look for to search something or someone

Covered having a layer of something on something

Missing not yet traced or confirmed as alive , but not known to be dead, after an accident.

Rebuild to put something together again

Future the time that will come after the present

Survivor a person who continues to live, especially despite being nearly killed

Together with each other

NGO Non-Government Organization

Repair to fix something that is damaged

Shelter a place giving protection from bad weather

According to the lesson :

Fill in the gaps with the best word.

1. Sakait is a good Student.

2. Sakait lives in a Bogra.

3. Mr. Rashidul Islam and Mrs. Monowara Islam are Sakait’s parents.

4. Mr.Rashidul Islam is a banker.

5. Sakait’s mother makes dresses.

6. Mr. Islam is fond of music.

7. Sakait is a meritorious student.

8. There are three members in Saikat’s family.

9. Saikat wants to better his English.

10. Banking is Mr. Islam’s profession.

11. The food we choose is not always healthy.

12. We can understand the different food groups through the food pyramid.

13. The food pyramid indicates how much of each food group we should eat.

14. We get energy from grains.

15. Rice, ruti and bread are grains.

16. Bread gives us energy.

17. Tasty food is not always good for health.

18. We can get energy from grain food.

19. The top level of the food pyramid is fat and oil.

20. We get protein from lentils.

21. Sima has a cough and a sore throat.

22. She is an attacked with the flu.

23. The doctor has prescribed some medicine for her to get well.

24. Wash your hands regularly.

25. Use a tissue, not your hand.

26. Sima should drink a lot of water and juice.

27. Cover your mouth and nose while coughing.

28. Use your own plate and glass.

29. Long ago Raju saw a fire at his school.

30. The firefighter came to put out the fire.

31. After a long time he became a good firefighter.

32. He wants to help the society.

33. He comes to school to make the students conscious about it.

34. The students came out of the building safely.

35. The students left the building with the help of the teacher.

36. Raju didn’t mind his volunteer work.

37. Raju spends most of his time in firefighter.

38. The students are taught about fire safety.

39. No other animal in the forest was as fast as the hare.

40. The hare was proud of its speed.

41. The tortoise walks slower than the hare.

42. The hare laughed at the tortoise for its slow motion.

43. Their friends were invited to watch the race.

44. A birthday is the date when a person was born.

45. Sweets are special food for a birthday party.

46. People celebrate birthdays in different ways.

পরবর্তী অংশ আগামী সংখ্যায়

  • সর্বশেষ
  • জনপ্রিয়
