পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

প্রকাশ | ২৩ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া

Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B. 
Column A    Column B    
Volunteer    one who works willingly without payment    
Panicked    scared by a sudden fear    
Firefighter    one who works in a fire service    
Visit    See someone or places    
Quietly    in a very calm state    
Yard    an area outside a house or building    
Department    a section a large organization    
Put out     to stop something from burning    
Safety    the state of being safe    
Join    to become a member or employee    
Panic    a sudden anxiety or fear    
Teach    to instruct in a systematic way    
Prevent    stop something from happening    
Afraid    frightened    
Quietly    silently    
Safely    without being injured or harmed     
Teaching    the occupation, profession or a work of a teacher     
Panicked    frightened    
Help    to assist    
Ago    before    
Soon    without delay    

Unit-10 (lesson : 1-2)
Column A    Column B    
Fort    a building built to defend an area against attack    
Municipality    a town or district that has a government                                    
Flow    continuous movement of something in one direction    
Important    having a great value    
Ground    the solid surface of the earth    
Town    city    
Poet    a person who writes poetry    
Painter    a person whose job is painting    
Capital    headquarters    
Mosque    a building in which Muslim pray    
Landlord    a person who owns vast property    
Literature    written works with artistic value    
Great    having high status    
Well known    very familiar to the people    
Celebrate     to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it    
Fairground        a place of worship    
Famous        well-known    
Home district    the place where one is born    

Unit-14 (lesson : 1-2)
Column A     Column B    
Slow    sluggish    
Agree    to have same views, emotion etc.    
Sight    the power or faculty of seeing    
On and on    at great length    
Furious    full of fury or rage    
Angry    furious    
Agree    to have the same option    
Steadily    continue without stopping    
Win    triumph    
Nap    a short day sleep    
Tortoise    an animal with a hard shell    
Wake up    to get up from sleep    
Competition    the act of trying to get something    
Believe    to feel certain that something is true    
Sure    confident in what someone thinks    

Unit-15 (lesson : 1)
Column A    Column B    
Special    not usual or ordinary    
Birthday    the day when a child was born    
Often    happening regularly or many times     
Celebrate    to observe an event or occasion    
Song      a short metrical composition intended for singing    
party    a social gathering for a special purpose    
Sweets    a food rich in sugar    
Family    a social unit living together    
Gift    giving as a present    
Blow out    to be extinguished by an air current    
Wrap    to cover something to completely    
Picture    image    
Enjoy    to have fun and amusement    
Birthday     cake    a cake which is used on the occasion of birthday    
Children    little boys and girls    
Parents     Father and Mother    
Usually    always    

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