শুক্রবার, ১১ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ২৭ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া
  ২২ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০

Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.

Unit-3, Lesson (1-2)

Column A Column B

Parents father and mother/ both father or mother

Listen hear attentively/hear

Housewife a woman who looks after her family

Specially particularly

Neighbor a person who lives near someone’s house

Like prefer

Animal creature

Free time leisure

Often sometime

Banker a person who works in a bank

Music sounds that are arranged in a way that sounds pleasant to listen to

Student pupil

Improve to make better

Lion the king of the beasts

Unit-6 (lesson : 1-4)

Column A Column B

Understand to realize or know something

Bottom the lowest part of something

Similar almost the same

Pyramid one kind of structure

Delicious very pleasant to taste or smell

Healthiest most conducive to health

For example for instance

Meat the flesh of animal

Lentil a kind of pulse

Important significant

Strong having a lot of physical power

Choice an act or possibility of choosing of great significance

Fat a natural oil substance

Health the state of being well

Dairy made from milk

Different various

Sometimes now and then

Product manufactures

Need require

Unit-8 (lesson : 1-2)

Column A Column B

Ill sick

Visit go to see a person or place

Rest period of not being active

Own belonging to the person not mentioned

Energy ability to act or work with strength

Medicine drug

Hungry feeling the need for food

Throat the front of neck

Sore painful and uncomfortable because of infection

Sneeze unwillingly coming out of air with small drops or liquid

Advice suggestion

Cough to force out air suddenly and noisily through our throat

Warm feeling high temperature

Need to require something

Well in a good condition

School a place where student study

Doctor who advices medicine for the patients

Flu one kind of disease

Juice one kind of drink

Home a place where people live

পরবর্তী অংশ আগামী সংখ্যায়

  • সর্বশেষ
  • জনপ্রিয়
