রোববার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ১৪ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া
  ২০ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০

10. Fill in the gaps by writing the time so that the story makes sense.

My name is Abid. I will observe my birthday tomorrow. I will wake up at (a) _ .I will finish decorating my room at about (b) _. My friends will come at about (c) _. My father will bring my birthday cake at about (d) _. At about (e) _ we will start the birthday party.

Ans : (a)7:00 am (b)11:30 am (c)3:30 pm (d)3:45 pm (e) 4:15 pm


1.Here is a schedule of your daily activities. Write the times by using am/pm when you do these activities.

Serial no Name of the activities

(a) Getting up from bed

(b) Going to school

(c) Taking lunch

(d) Returning home from school

(e) Taking dinner

Ans : (a) 6:00 am (b) 8:30 am (c) 1:30 pm (d) 5:00 pm (e) 9:0 pm

2. Here is a schedule of classes of a student. Write five sentences using the hours of the day when your friend attends the classes.

Hours of the day Subjects

10:00 am Bangla

10:45 am English

11:20 am Mathematics

12:30 pm Social Science

1:10 pm Science

Ans : My friend attends five classes a day. His first class starts with Bangla at 10:00 am .He attends his English class at 10:45 am. At 11:20 am, he attends the mathematics class. A 12:30 am, he attend his Social Science class and finally he attends his science classes at 1:10 pm.

3. Here is a schedule of tour. Write five sentences using the days of the week when you will visits different places. Saturday is the first day of the week.

Days of the week Name of the works

1st day Chattogram

2nd day Cox’s bazaar

4th day Teknaf

5th day Saint Martin’s Island

7th day Rangamati

Ans : I will visit Chattogram on Saturday. I will visit Cox’s bazaar on Sunday. Then, I will go to Teknaf on Tuesday. I will visit Saint Martin’s Island on Wednesday. . Then, I will visit Rangamati on Friday.

4. Here is the academic programme of your school. Write five sentences using the names of the month when you do these activities. January is the first month.

Month Activities

1st month School Admission

3rd month First term examination

7th month Second term examination

9th month School picnic

12th month Final examination

Ans :

(a) In January, I take school admission.

(b) In March, I sit for first term examination.

(c) In July, I sit for second term examination.

(d) In September, I go to school picnic.

(e) In December, I sit for final examination.

5.Each day you will do different activities according to the following table. Write five sentences using the names of the days of the week when you will do the activities. Friday is the last day of the week.

Days of the week Name of the works

1st day Look after garden

3rd day Clean my room

4th da Swimming Practice

5th day Football practice

6th day Drawing practice

Ans : On Saturday, I will look after garden. On Monday, I will clean my room. On Tuesday, I will go for swimming practice. On Wednesday, I will enjoy football practice. On Thursday, I will do my drawing practice.

6. Here is a schedule of a different occasion that you celebrate in your school in different months. Write the name of the months when you celebrate these occasions.

Serial of the month Name of the occasion

1st Book Festival

2nd International Mother

Language Day

3rd Independence Day

4th Bangla New Year

11th International

Children’s Day

12th Victory Day

Ans : In January, we celebrate book festival. In February, we celebrate International Mother Language Day. In March, we celebrate Independence Day. In April, we celebrate Bangla New Year. In November, we celebrate International Children’s Day. In December, we celebrate Victory Day.

পরবর্তী অংশ আগামী সংখ্যায়

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  • জনপ্রিয়
