পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

প্রকাশ | ১১ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া

6. Write True or False.
a) The farmer had a magical goose. 
b) The goose is a kind of bird. 
c) The goose stomach was full of golden eggs. 
d) The farmer was very impatient. 
e) The farmer’s wife wanted to kill the goose. 
f) They wanted to be rich very quickly.
7. Answer the following question :
a) Where does a farmer usually sell eggs?
Ans : A farmer usually sells eggs in a bazaar or haat.
b) Who decided to kill the goose? What did the farmer do to get all the eggs?
Ans : The farmer decided to kill the goose. The farmer cut the belly of the goose to get all the eggs at a time.
C) Write three sentences to explain what you understand from the story.
Ans : The story is about a greedy farmer. Because of his greed and impatience, the farmer could not change his poor condition when he got a chance. We understand from the story that greed will make someone lose everything he has in the end.
d) What did the farmer do to be rich in one night?
Ans : The farmer killed the goose to get all the golden eggs at a time and become rich in one night.
e) Write three sentences about “Grasp all, lose all”.
Ans : The proverb means that he who tries to grab many things at a time will lose even what he already has. One should be ambitious to succeed in life. But he/she should not be greedy just like the farmer in the story. 
8. Write a letter to your friend about the result of excessive greed.
My dear Avoni,
I hope you’re having a great time. Today, I’ll tell you an interesting story about the result of excessive greed.
In a distant time, there lived a poor farmer with his wife. By chance, the farmer got a magical goose which laid a golden egg every day. It brought good luck to them. Yet the farmer was not satisfied and cut the goose open to get all the golden eggs at a time. He thought that he could become rich overnight. But with disappointment, he found that there were no golden eggs inside its stomach. So, he remained poor and couldn’t change his miserable condition in spite of having a great chance. Can you see what happens when someone is excessively greedy? It leads a man to his downfall.
I’ll take your leave now. Stay well.
Yours ever,
There lived a shepherd boy in a pastoral area. He kept a flock of sheep near a forest, there lived a wolf. At times the wolf would come out and kill lambs and farmers.
The shepherd boy had a bad habit of telling lies. He made a fun with villagers shouting “Wolf! Wolf! Help! ” The villagers would think that the young shepherd boy might be in danger. The villagers rushed to save the shepherd boy with sticks, spears and tools. But they found no wolf. Seeing the villagers, the shepherd boy laughed at them. The villagers would become annoyed and return to their works. The liar shepherd made the same fun far and between. The villagers would come forward to protect the boy and return home being annoyed. But one day a wolf really came. The shepherd boy shouted to his highest voice. The village people heard his shouting but didn’t stretch their helping hand. They did not come to rescue the shepherd boy. The wolf killed all his sheep. The boy cried loudly and asked for help. But nobody advanced. The wolf also killed the shepherd boy. The poor unfortunate shepherd lost his life for telling lies.

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