বৃহস্পতিবার, ০৩ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ১৯ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

আরিফ আনজুম, সহকারী শিক্ষক, আমতলী মডেল স্কুল শিবগঞ্জ, বগুড়া
  ০৭ মে ২০২৪, ০০:০০
পঞ্চম শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

Read the text and answer the question 1, 2,3,4

Flower is the symbol of beauty, purity, love and affection. It is the most beautiful gift of nature. Many kinds of flowers bloom all the year round our country. There are various kinds of flowers in our country. They differ in size, color and smell. Some flowers are big and some are small in size. Some flowers are sweet- scented while others are scentless. Flowers grow abundantly in the spring. They grow generally in the domestic gardens and in the jungles. They grow in land and water.

The rose is the best of all flowers in color and scent. It is called the queen of flowers for its beauty and scent. It is of different colors, but the red rose in the most beautiful and sweet-scented. The lotus is another favorite flower in Bangladesh. It is loved for its beauty. Sunflower is very beautiful to look at. Sunflower is seen in different places. Hasnahena is another sweet-scented flower. It spreads its smell at night only. Marigold is very handsome. It has beauty and scent. It decorates our garden in the spring. Besides those, there are Kamini, Bakul, Bali, Chameli, Krishnachura, Lily, Mallika and many others. Now days, many people of our country cultivate the flowers for commercial purpose. There are a good number of flower shops in various places of our country.

1.Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box below. There are three extra words which you need not use.

a) Flower is the symbol of —-.

b) In our country many kinds of flowers —- all the year round.

c) Flowers differ in size, —- and smell.

d) Some flowers are sweet-scented while others are —-.

e) Flowers grow abundantly in the —-.

Ans: 1. a) love b) bloom c) color d) scentless e) spring.

2. Write ÔTrueÕ for correct statement or ÔFalseÕ for incorrect statement.

a) Flower is the gift of nature. True

b) The flowers of our country are not same in color and smell. True

c) The lotus is the king of flowers. False

d) The Marigold is loved because of its beauty. False

e) At present many people cultivate flower for economical purpose. True

f) Flowers grow plentifully in the winter. False.

3. Answer the following questions in sentences.

a) What is the most beautiful gift of nature?

b) Where do flowers generally grow?

c) Which is the best of all flowers in colour and scent?

d) When does Hasnahena spread its smell?

e) Why do many people of our country cultivate the flowers now?


a) Flower is the most beautiful gift of the nature.

b) Flower generally grows in the domestic garden and in the jungles. They grow both on land and water.

c) The rose is the best of all flowers in colour and scent.

d) Hasnahena spreads its smell at night only.

e) Now many people of our country cultivate flowers for commercial purpose.

4. Suppose, your friend wants to know about the flowers of Bangladesh. Now write a letter to him about it.

(Write at least ten sentences).

Here are some words to help you: address, date, salutation, main points of the letter, closing.

Letter writing (based on Passage).

Ans :


1 August, 2021

Dear Hridoy,

Hope you are well. I am fine too. In the last letter you asked me to write about the flowers of Bangladesh. Now I am writing about this.

There are various kinds of flowers in our country. They are different in size, color and smell. Some are big and some are small in size. Some flowers are sweet-scented while others are scentless. Flowers bloom abundantly in the spring. The rose is the best of all flowers in color and scent. It is called the queen of flowers. The lotus is a scentless flower. The sunflower is very beautiful to look at. Hasnahena spreads scent at night. Besides, there are kamini, bakul, beli, chameli, lily, mallika and many others.

No more today take care.

Yours ever


Draw an envelope’

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