বুধবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪, ১০ আশ্বিন ১৪৩১

একাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

রোজিনা আক্তার, শিক্ষক, ক্যামব্রিয়ান স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, সিরাজগঞ্জ
  ০৫ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪, ০০:০০
একাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

(a) What does the expression, ‘we cannot survive without water.’ mean?

(i) Water is nothing

(ii) Water is everywhere

(iii) Water is life

(iv) Water is unimportant

Answer: (iii) Water is life

(b) The word ballad mentioned in the passage means.

(i) comedy (ii) tragedy

(iii) melody (iv) narrative song

Answer: (iv) narrative song

(c) How are rains in Bangladesh?

(i) Rare (ii) Sometimes

(iii) Plenty (iv) Very rare

Answer: (iii) Plenty

(d) The word ‘harrowing’ mentioned in the passage means.

(i) soft (ii) dangerous

(iii) mellifluous (iv) melodious

Answer: (ii) dangerous

(e) What kind of river Buriganga is now?

(i) Dying (ii) Flowing

(iii) Having current (iv) none of the above

Answer: (i) Dying.

B. Answer the following questions.

(a) Who wrote the poem, ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner?’ What is the poem about?

(b) Why is drinking water important in our life? Can you mention the other name of water?

(c) What is, according to the United Nations, one of the challenges for the future? Where was it identified?

(d) Do we need to worry about the problem as ours is a land of rivers and we have plenty of rainfall? Give reasons for your answer.

(e) ‘River are everywhere in our life.’ Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer.


(a) Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote the poem, ÔThe Rime of the Ancient MarinerÕ. The poem is about the miserable sea-voyage of an old mariner who at one point of his journey didnÕt have any water to drink because of a curse.

(b) Drinking water is important in our life because we cannot survive without it. More importantly, two-thirds of our body is made up of water. The other name of water is ÔlifeÕ.

(c) According to the United Nations, one of the challenges for the future is the problem of drinking water. It was identified in a meeting of UN on the eve of the new millennium.

(d) Yes, we need to worry about the problem in spite of the fact that ours is a land of rivers and we have plenty of rainfall. It is because we are polluting the water of our rivers in a number of ways.

(e) Yes, I agree with the statement that ÔRivers are everywhere in our life.Õ They have a very distinct place in our literature and culture. We cannot imagine our economy without them.

10. Read the following text and answer the questions A and B.

Nelson Mandela guided South Africa from the shackles of apartheid to a multi-racial democracy, as an icon of peace and reconciliation who came to embody the struggle for justice around the world. Imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight against white minority rule, Mandela never lost his resolve to fight for his people’s emancipation. He was determined to bring down apartheid while avoiding a civil war. His prestige and charisma helped him win the support of the world. ‘I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestation. I have fought it all during my life; I will fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days,’ Mandela said in his acceptance speech on becoming South Africa’s first black president in 1994,… ‘The time for the healing of the wounds has come.

The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come.’ ‘We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation.’ In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honor he shared with F.W, de Klerk, the white African leader who had freed him from prison three years earlier and negotiated the end of apartheid.

A. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives.

a) What could be the closest meaning for ‘shackles of apartheid’ in the first paragraph?

i. Tentacles of domination

ii. Bondages of slavery

iii. Manacles of racial discrimination

iv. Chains of exploitation

Answer: iii. Manacles of racial discrimination

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